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Following your contact with the practice, please complete this form in full. This is required for all autism assessment referrals.

Once the completed form has been returned it will be processed by our referral team.

Please note: This form is only for patients registered at this practice. If you have not previously discussed this referral with your GP we may reject your referral request.

Patient Details
Select a Service

Bristol Autism Spectrum Service (BASS) are the NHS autism service for adults in this area.

You may be aware there are several other services offering autism assessment, please indicate below which service you would like to be referred to. When choosing the service you wish to be referred to please ensure you are aware what each organisation are able to offer you.

For more info please read this page, which also includes a spreadsheet that summarises the current services offered by providers, including referral information and exclusions.

Please be aware, you may be asked to choose an alternative service if your chosen provider does not engage with our local referral processes. We will contact you if this is necessary

Preferred method of correspondence/accessibility
i.e. hearing impairment, communication needs
Other professionals involved

Please note: For a referral to be accepted, there should be evidence of lifelong, pervasive difficulties with social interaction AND repetitive behaviours (i.e. routines or interests) or sensory differences that cause impairment in daily life.

i.e. difficulty forming, maintaining or understanding relationships, communication difficulties
i.e. unusually inflexible routines, significant difficulty with change, narrow/intense interests, sensory hyper/hypersensitivities.
Please include any previous contact with mental health or learning disability services, any current or previous diagnoses and/or treatment, current teams involved in care.

Please show evidence that the above difficulties are having an impact on your daily living e.g. housing, employment, benefits, education, social care. Please note that referrals can only be accepted if there is evidence of a significant impact on functioning.

AQ10 Questionnaire

Privacy Consent

This form collects personal and medical information about you. We use this information to allow the practice team to contact you. Please read our Privacy Policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data.


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